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Website Redesign: "Signs It’s Time for a Website Redesign and How to Approach It"

Ryan Stack • Jul 28, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, your website is the central hub of your brand's online presence. It acts as a primary touchpoint for visitors and plays a pivotal role in shaping perceptions about your business. However, just like any other aspect of your business, your website requires regular updates and revisions. The dilemma? Knowing when it's the right time for a website redesign.

Signs It’s Time for a Website Redesign

old outdated website design and computer

  1. Outdated Visuals: Modern website designs are clean, intuitive, and visually engaging. If your site looks like it was built a decade ago, it can harm your brand's credibility. Visitors associate outdated designs with outdated business practices.

  2. Poor Mobile Experience: With the majority of web traffic now coming from mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive site is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. If your site doesn’t adapt well to various screen sizes, you risk alienating a significant portion of your audience. Gone are the days of pinching the screen to zoom into your PDF menu or your desktop only structured website - any friction you add to a mobile visitor - they will leave as quickly as they get bored of a 10 second TikTok video.

  3. Slow Loading Times: User expectations have evolved, and so has their patience. If your website takes more than a few seconds to load, you might be losing potential customers before they even see what you offer. Most modern web builders have features built in to speed up mobile loading times - so take advantage of the latest web design tools to create a lightning-fast mobile experience.

  4. Declining Traffic and Conversion: If you observe a consistent decline in website traffic or conversion rates, this could be a sign that users aren't resonating with your site anymore. While design alone may not be the reason, it could be a contributing factor.

  5. Complicated Navigation: Websites should provide a seamless user experience. If visitors can’t find what they're looking for quickly, they’re likely to exit and seek solutions elsewhere.

Approaching Your Website Redesign

So, you've recognized the signs, and it's clear: a redesign is in order. But how do you approach this potentially daunting task?

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Before diving into the design phase, define what you aim to achieve. Whether it’s improving user experience, increasing conversion rates, or refreshing your brand identity, having clear objectives will guide the redesign process.

  2. Prioritize User Experience (UX): Modern web design is centered around the user. Use tools like heat maps to understand how visitors interact with your site. This data can inform design decisions, ensuring the new site aligns with user preferences and behaviors.

  3. Opt for Mobile-First Design: Given the dominance of mobile browsing, consider adopting a mobile-first web design approach. This ensures your site looks and functions impeccably on mobile devices.

  4. Incorporate SEO Best Practices: A redesign is the perfect opportunity to enhance your site’s SEO. From optimizing meta descriptions to improving site structure, prioritize elements that can boost your search engine visibility.

  5. Test and Iterate: Before officially launching your redesigned site, test it rigorously. Gather feedback from users, make necessary tweaks, and ensure it meets the goals you set out to achieve. Remember, a website is always a work in progress.

Recommendations for building your website

modern web designs

In today's world, you have dozens of choices as to how to go about building your website. From simple drag-and-drop solutions like Wix and Squarespace to more complex CMSs like Wordpress and Drupal, the options are seemingly endless. In addition, you have to think about the best way to approach your site - do you hire a web developer to build from scratch, or do you enlist the help of an agency to manage the entire process?

The best advice is to prioritize your business goals. If you plan on regularly updating content and relying heavily on organic search traffic, it may be worth investing in a custom-built site. On the other hand, if you're just looking for something simple and fast, a template-based platform may be the way to go.

No matter what method you choose, make sure that it's scalable and can accommodate changes in the future. It's also important to select a solution that aligns with your budget.

If you have a budget between $1500-$3500, we strongly recommend hiring a local web designer. The benefits are immense and you'll have access to someone who can help manage the entire process, from strategy and planning to design and launch.

The Value of Hiring a Local Web Designer

In the era of globalization, it's tempting to outsource web design to international freelancers or agencies that might offer competitive prices, or even try designing on your own or with a basic AI system. However, there's undeniable value in partnering with a local web designer. Here's why:

  1. Face-to-Face Interaction: One of the most significant advantages of hiring locally is the potential for in-person meetings. This allows for clearer communication, ensuring that the designer fully understands your vision and goals. It’s also easier to establish a rapport and trust when you can meet and discuss matters face-to-face.

  2. Local Market Understanding: Local web designers have intrinsic knowledge of the regional market, culture, and customer behaviors. This insight can be invaluable when designing a website that resonates with local audiences, making it more effective in driving local traffic and conversions.

  3. Quick Response and Accessibility: Time zone differences can cause delays in communication when working with international designers. With a local designer, you're operating in the same time zone, making real-time communication more seamless. This can be crucial, especially if immediate changes or fixes are required.

  4. Local SEO Insights: For businesses targeting local audiences, optimizing for local search is crucial. A local web designer will be more attuned to the specifics of local SEO, ensuring that your website is optimized for local search queries and directories.

  5. Community Connections: A local designer often has connections within the community, from local photographers to copywriters. They can recommend or collaborate with these local talents, ensuring every aspect of your site is top-notch.

  6. Supporting Local Economy: By hiring locally, you're investing back into your community, supporting local businesses and fostering economic growth in your region.

  7. Long Term Dependable Partner: By far, one of the best reasons to hire a top local web designer is knowing your site will be built right and they will be able to assist you for the length of your website journey. From going from a basic web page to launching your business and scaling up the online presence, local web designers are there for you every step of the way. And, if anything goes wrong or you need advice, they will be there in the case of emergency site work as well as adapting your site as new future technologies are launched.

Your Website Should Evolve and Growth With Your Business

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, staying updated is not just about keeping up with trends—it’s about ensuring your business remains relevant and competitive. A website redesign, when done right, can dramatically enhance user experience, drive traffic, and improve conversion rates. However, it's essential to approach this task methodically. By recognizing the signs that your site is due for an overhaul and following a structured approach to the redesign, you can ensure your website remains a powerful asset in your marketing arsenal.

Remember, a website is more than just a digital brochure—it's a representation of your brand in the digital realm. Ensure it aptly reflects your brand’s values, offerings, and commitment to excellence.

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