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3 Tips to Supercharge Your Website's SEO This Holiday Season

The Stack Group Team • Dec 16, 2020

Different factors, such as the ongoing pandemic, have affected how consumers do their shopping today. More often than not, customers will use the internet to shop online rather than go out of their homes to get the things they need.

With the holidays coming up, this trend is something that you as a business should not only recognize but also maximize! As such, we will share with you some SEO tips to help your website dominate result pages to attract as many customers to your digital doorsteps as possible.

SEO tips for the Holiday Season

1 - Know Your Audience Leveraging Google Analytics

To supercharge your SEO, you first need to know who you are dealing with. More specifically, you need to know the audience that you are trying to reach. Remember, different people have different reasons to shop, and with the holiday season right around the corner, this is even more important.

2020 has also thrown some major curve balls when it comes to our everyday way of life.  One of the best ways to get detailed information about your customers is to leverage Google Analytics.  Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to view details such as Demographics (age, gender), User Interest, Geo (language, location), Behavior (new, returning visitor, frequency), and more. 

You can learn more about google analytics here

2 - Offer Various Payment Options

With a growing number of people heading online to do their shopping, you have to ensure that your online store offers various payment options. Remember, some people would rather pay using their credit cards over bank transfers, while others might prefer to use their e-wallets.

As such, you need to offer different payment options to cater to customers' different wants and needs. By doing so, you can encourage people to buy from you and avoid hindrances when they finally check out. Thanks to the ease of payment, people will frequent your store for their online purchases.

Do not forget to present certificates to show that you keep their data secure and safe as well. In the digital world, where trouble is looming all around, having a sense of safety for your customers can go a long way to guarantee steady sales.

3 - Share Holiday-Themed Content on Social, Blogs and GMB

Because the holidays are nearing, you want to make sure that your business stays relevant. Otherwise, potential customers might look for other businesses that are more holiday-themed.

As such, start creating holiday-related content as soon as you can. For instance, if you run a store that sells office supplies, you can offer holiday gift bundles and promotions to attract customers.

You can also redesign your website to feature holiday-themed elements for the season. These efforts will not only help you remain relevant, but they can also help create unique and fun experiences that customers will appreciate.

Leverage These 3 Tips to Drive Sales, Engagement and SEO this Holiday Season

While these tips might not seem related to your SEO, all of them can go a long way in boosting it. By creating holiday-themed content, offering various payment systems, and more, you can ensure that your website is user-friendly. You also attract more people to come to your website to check what you have to offer. All of these factors increase various aspects of your website's performance, from traffic to conversion rates, supercharging your SEO efforts. 


About The Stack Group

The Stack Group is a digital design and marketing company based out of Agawam, MA.  We specialize in custom web design, SEO, and social media marketing. We can help you maximize your online presence with a stunningly designed website that performs well to serve your customers and increase your search engine rankings with our SEO services.

If you are looking for additional help in ranking higher in search for the 2021 season, contact us today to schedule a free consultation. 

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