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3 Benefits of a Well-Designed Business Website

Stack Group Team • Nov 26, 2020

Consumers today are not easily impressed. They know that they have options, and will usually do their research before finalizing a purchase decision. In a 2019 study, Google revealed that 59% of respondents in an online survey said they look up a product online to make the best decision possible. 

This customer behavior makes it crucial for businesses to have a business website that customers can pull up when they look for your product or service online. Unless you’re a professional web designer yourself, it’s best to hire a web design agency to create your website. 

Getting a professionally designed website is more than just about looking good.

Here are three benefits that a well-designed website can provide your business. 

well-designed website design

#1 Sets a Good First Impression

If you’re a newcomer to the business, most people will encounter your business from your business website. While they may have seen your product or service advertised somewhere else like a social media post, they will undoubtedly look for your website to verify your information. 

Because first impressions are everything, you should also ensure that your website is professionally designed and rich in content. A website that looks like it hasn’t been updated in years will not inspire confidence. Likewise, if your website has incomplete information, your prospective customer will likely just move on to a competitor with an updated website and fresh content. 

#2 Updated Web Design

updated web design

Web designers today understand that user experience should always be central to good web design. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always been the case. If your website was designed a decade ago, it’s highly likely that it’s difficult to read, has a confusing layout, or has outdated formats that hamper loading times (i.e., Adobe Flash). 

In the earliest days of the internet, many websites had barely readable fonts, mismatched color profiles, flashy and tacky-looking graphics, and more. Nowadays, most web design agencies understand what kinds of web design best suits your target audience.

According to a study by the Nielsen Norman Group,
users typically leave a website within 10 to 20 seconds of viewing. If your outdated website design confused or irritated your customer, you likely won’t get a second chance to grab their attention and interest.

#3 Easier Navigation

Thanks to the work of British and American psychologists William Edmund Hick and Ray Hyman, web designers have a way to make your website as user-friendly as possible. They came up with the aptly-named Hick-Hyman Law, which states that “the time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.” The key takeaway here is that user experience designers (and web designers, by extension) must always endeavor to minimize complexity by limiting the number of options available to a user at any particular point in time. 

This doesn’t necessarily mean making website navigation a purely linear path; users also need the ability to multi-task and access several pages all at once. Instead, the Hick-Hyman Law tells us to direct the user to a single activity with five or less options at any given time by condensing, simplifying, and omitting other options altogether. 

Well Designed Websites are Key To Long term Success

It’s worth noting that there are no hard and fast rules in web design. While it’s easy to spot the comically bad ones, even a seemingly acceptable web design might not be suitable for your specific user base. This is why hiring a web design agency is crucial. From colors and fonts to navigation and layout, every design decision you make should be informed in part by customer data. 

While it’s unlikely for even a professional web design agency to land on a perfect web design the first time, it will take less work to turn it into the perfect website for your business. 

Searching for
the best web design company? The Stack Group has designed 100's of websites across the country, and we have over 15 years of experience behind us.  Besides getting you a modern website design, we also offer search engine optimization and social media management. Contact us today to learn more. 

Questions? Have a project you're ready to launch?

Simply text our team at
(857) 256-1295 or send us a message!

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