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Responsive Website Design - 4 Reasons Why It Should Be a Priority

Ryan Stack • Apr 17, 2020

4 Reasons Why Responsive Website Design Should Be a Priority

Responsive Website Design by The Stack Group
When it comes to website design, mobile responsiveness is one consideration that should be a top priority for any business. It is a deciding factor that could spell the difference between success and failure.

How so? Well, it’s due to one simple fact: most Internet traffic these days takes place over mobile networks and with the use of mobile devices. This has been the case for several years already, with smartphone technology representing about 52 percent of total web traffic worldwide as early as 2017.

If your business website is not making the necessary adjustments to keep up with this trend, then you’d be putting yourself at a severe disadvantage. We’ll show you what we mean by this statement in the section below.

Benefits of Having a Mobile-Responsive Website Design

Responsive web design
A website that is mobile-responsive grants your business many benefits. We can categorize those benefits into four major aspects:
  1. It enhances the user experience
    When a website is mobile-ready, it tends to load quicker and with fewer errors. This means users can view and use your website as intended, allowing you to provide them with the information they need. Through this, your visitors are able to have a positive experience when browsing your content, increasing their confidence in your brand and ultimately, giving them a good reason to trust your business and become a customer.

  2. It improves your search rankings
    Mobile-responsive design is also great for SEO. It eliminates the need for you to create duplicate content designed solely to serve mobile users, which is something that search engines will penalize you for having. It can also improve some of your website’s performance metrics such as session duration and bounce rates, thereby signaling to search engines that your website provides value. When these factors come together, your website will rank higher.

  3. It allows you to easily make updates
    A responsive website design will also mean that you’ll have to spend fewer resources on updating and maintaining your website. Like we mentioned previously, your website won’t need two versions of the same content to serve your customers. This means you won’t need two separate developer teams to keep your website up and running. This will save you time and costs in the long run, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

  4. It opens up your website to a large sector of the market
    Going back to our earlier statement, mobile traffic is a huge portion of your market, one that you would miss out on if your website isn’t responsive. Think of it this way: over 50 percent of your visitors are probably coming to your website via their phones, and if your website isn’t attractive or functional on this platform, you fail to provide value to more than half of your potential customers.

mobile responsive website design example by The Stack Group

Clearly, a website that’s optimized for mobile viewing is something your business should strive to have. Failing to do so means your business will have less visibility online, will have to spend more on website maintenance, and will be less able to provide people with the value that they seek.

We are a web design plus SEO company in Massachusetts. If you need a team of experts to create a mobile-responsive website for your business, get in touch with us today and we’ll be happy to help.

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