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7 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Content

Ryan Stack • Jul 14, 2020
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies today. A lot of businesses are using it to maximize their digital presence and gain more clients. However, SEO can get overwhelming as there are many elements that you need to consider to ensure that you’re doing it right. Apart from that, it’s vital to be aware of the common mistakes as well to help you better avoid them in your SEO strategies.

1. Uninteresting and Short Headings

Each heading that you use in your content must be relevant to the corresponding content. The heading must also be specific and form a complete thought. Keeping it short and uninteresting will not capture your audience’s attention. 

Your headings must have the perfect balance between being descriptive and concise. Ideally, they should also contain words that are relevant to your industry. 

2. Not Enough Headings

To make your content readable, you need to break it up with the use of headings. If a post or article lacks headings, readers will find it tedious to read through. That’s why it’s vital that you use enough headings in the content to organize various topics. Not only will this help you create a well-structured piece, but your site visitors will be able to better understand what your content is all about. 

3. No Lists

Indeed, not all lists are applicable to all types of content. However, if you think you can turn a paragraph into a list, do so. Lists make content more readable, which will also make it easier for readers to skim the content and decide which what’s important to them. 

4. Unvaried Keyword Phrases

Using keyword phrases a few times in your content is essential, but they should vary. You can do this by varying keyword phrases through the use of synonyms. Slight variations to your keywords will help readers better understand your content and make it more engaging.

5. Overly Complex Writing

When your writing is too complicated, you may end up unable to keep your customers long enough on the page. Keep the vocabulary and overall style simple, and try to replace wordy or advanced terms. Keep in mind that text that is too dense usually results in high bounce rates, which means that people are leaving your page without taking any of your desired actions. 

6. Unhelpful Content

When it comes to writing SEO content, the goal is to always provide value to your readers. Your content must always address their concerns. Therefore, it should be written in a way that your reader will be able to gain meaningful insights. 

7. Too Much Promotional Content

Your website must have core content that doesn’t focus on promoting your products or services. By creating valuable content, you get to build a more substantial link building, which is essential to SEO. 


A single SEO mistake can derail your strategy and extinguish your marketing efforts. Knowing these common SEO mistakes will help you avoid them and have a stronger SEO strategy that works for your business. 

If you need help from a reliable SEO company in Massachusetts, The Stack Group can help you. We have SEO experts who will guarantee error-free SEO strategies that will help your business grow. Contact us today. 

seo mistakes to avoid when creating content

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